Stop Puppy Biting

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Welcome To Biting Puppies

Welcome to "Biting Puppies". This site will be dedicated to looking at the various ways in which we can learn how to stop biting Puppies. A new Puppy is a wonderful thing, there will be many great years ahead with your new companion. Training puppies to not bite from an early age is of prime importance and learning how to stop Puppies biting is a prime concern to many owners of Puppies.

This site will be a comprehensive look at the many ways we can learn how to stop Puppies biting.

It is natural and normal for young Puppies to bite our hands, our feet, our furniture etc. Basically many Puppies will bite almost anything that they encounter. Controlling Puppy biting is a major concern for many owners of small Puppies, and even not so small Puppies.

Training Puppies To Not Bite

Training Puppies to stop biting can seem like a daunting task. Especially when you have a manic ball of fur flying around the room, nipping and biting at everything in its path. This site will help you learn how to stop Puppy from biting. It may seem like you are facing an impossible task but trust me, it can be done, and it is not as difficult as you may have thought. Sure it will take a bit of time and patience but training puppies to not bite needs to be done and it can be.

Biting Puppies really don't know any better. It is totally natural for a Puppy to try to explore its new world with its mouth. Their mouths are the perfect tool for exploring everything about them. Along with this they may well be in discomfort as their teeth grow and teething may be one of the main reasons why they bite so much. A Puppy will often grab hold of something and bite or nip simply because it is trying to relive the discomfort it feels in its mouth.

Training Puppies not to bite will mean learning some basic techniques that this site will address one by one. There are a number of different ways to halt Puppy biting and I will be taking an in-depth look at each technique with pointers and tips along the way. This will build in to an exhaustive and comprehensive solution to stop biting Puppies. There are many different methods that can be employed and each way has its own particular technique. A deep look at each different way of stopping biting in Puppies will mean there is a wealth of different techniques to try. All Puppies will react differently to different techniques so it is best to see which one your individual Puppy reacts best to.

Stop Biting Puppies

I have stated that we will look at the different ways that we can learn how to stop Puppy biting and this will happen in the following posts. Here is a brief outline of some of the different ways we can stop biting Puppies.

  • Using Toys To stop biting Puppies

  • Using distractions to avoid biting

  • The importance of Exercise

  • The "yelp" method of Puppy training

  • Growling to assert your authority

  • Making things taste bad to your Puppy

  • The rattle technique

  • The importance of social interaction for Puppies

  • The role of Adult Dogs in curbing biting in Puppies

and many more.

Techniques To Stop Biting Puppies

As you can see there are quite a number of techniques to help Puppies learn to stop biting. Some will be more effective than others. It will depend on the temperament of your Dog and the company it keeps. Dogs act differently around other Dogs and different techniques may be employed depending on whether you have other Dogs in the house or if your Puppy has regular access to other Dogs, both older Dogs and Dogs of the same age as your biting Puppy.

When you first get your new Puppy home biting may not be a concern. Some Puppies are very confident and within a day or two you may see the first signs of Puppy biting. Alternatively it may be a good few weeks before your Dog has settled in to its new home. Many Puppies take weeks to feel comfortable in their new environment and only then may they begin to show biting behaviour. However, if you have come to this site then one way or another your Puppy has started biting.

Controlling Puppy Biting

Many of the techniques we will look at will make it much easier to stop your Puppy biting you or the furniture. As stated earlier it is a natural wish to use their mouth to explore the world. Whilst annoying, and often painful to the owner, the Puppy does not realise that it may be causing damage to you and the items in your home. Training Puppies is the most important aspect of Dog training. If you can teach your Puppy to behave then it will grow in to a much more evenly tempered Dog with a much more stable attitude to life.

It is our job to ensure our Puppy learns basic commands. Learning how to stop Puppy from biting is one of the first jobs we will be involved in when it comes to training.

Welcome to Biting Puppies, and hopefully when it comes to the question "How to stop Puppy biting", this site will be the solution you were looking for. Training puppies to not bite will be explained in the lessons that follow.

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