Stop Puppy Biting

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Stop Biting Puppies

If you are reading this then you are looking how to stop biting Puppies and if you follow the lessons then you really will learn how to stop Puppy from biting. When you first get a young Dog and it begins to act destructively it seems like the crazed young thing is unstoppable. This is exactly how I felt at first. I learnt a lot about stopping this biting behaviour in young Puppies by trying various methods. Puppies and biting furniture as well as puppies biting hands and ankles were all things I learnt how to control. Training puppies to not bite is not as difficult as you may have thought if you follow the lessons on this site.

I used all of the methods I have written about in the Lessons to some extent. Some methods of controlling biting Puppies were more effective than others but each worked to some extent. What I learnt was that it really depends on the nature of your young Dog as to which method will be the most successful. Puppies play biting is just that to the Puppy, play, but for me it was anything but. It really is amazing how much it hurts when a Puppy bites. Their teeth are amazingly sharp and quite often they simply don't realise just how much it hurts.

This is why I decided to write this site, to show the various techniques you can employ to stop biting Puppies. All the training puppies not to bite lessons are worth reading and there will be a few more but there is one important factor you must always remember when it comes to learning how to stop Puppy biting, and that is repetition.

It is no good trying a technique of training puppies not to bite only once or twice and then going on to the next. You need to persevere with your training of a biting Puppy if you have any chance of learning how to correct Puppy biting. It is the same for all aspects of Dog training, so often it is down to perseverance and repetition. All Dogs respond best by repeated actions and training. It takes a while for them to understand what is allowed and by repeating your commands and actions your biting Puppy will soon learn that some aspects of its behaviour are not acceptable.

All too often it is the fault of the owner when training fails to get the desired results. Let's look at an example. Say you have decided to use lesson 4 to stop biting Puppies, where I describe the use of a "yelp" to train your Puppy not to bite. You may find that the first few times you employ this method it does not work very well. You have to realise that your Dog is young and is just finding its way in the world. Much is new to it and it does not understand everything that is happening around it. It is your job to teach it. By repeating the "yelp" and maybe following up by leaving the room, your biting Puppy will soon learn what is happening and respond accordingly. It is no good simply trying it once or twice and moving on to something else. You first need to train your young Dog exactly what you mean when you give a "yelp". Before long it will begin to understand and the "yelp" will gradually become more effective. Puppies biting hands can be controlled very well with the "yelp" or "growl" method but you need to persevere to really see what the most effective technique is.

Stop Biting Puppies: Understanding Your Puppies Personality

To effectively stop Puppy from biting you really do need to understand the personality of your Dog. You need to know if you have a shy Dog or a very confident outgoing animal. This understanding will quickly lead to you realising which method of controlling Puppy biting will work best.

An example:

You have tried the "yelp" technique on a number of occasions but it does not get the desired results. Your puppies biting continues. You also realise that you have a Dog that is very confident and not really scared of much. It stands it ground, doesn't roll over or look submissive when being told off and it continues to be naughty. A very confident Dog may be better with a different technique.

You realise that a "growl" works better because confident Puppies like your will respond better to a deeper and more sinister noise. A noise to help training puppies not to bite that sounds more like an adult Dog telling it off can be very effective. This is why it is so important to observe your Puppy and see what kind of temperament it has. Training Puppy not to bite is not just about employing any technique, it is about understanding its nature and using the correct technique.

A shy or less confident Dog may respond much better to a less aggressive technique. Shouting or loud noises may simply upset it and decrease its confidence. You do not want this and it may be much better to correct Puppy biting by the use of a bad taste to deter the biting Puppy. This is unagressive but will teach the Puppy that it is not in its best interest to keep biting hands or ankles.

As a side note you may wish to start using discount frontline if you notice that your puppy is beginning to show signs fo fleas or ticks. The best price frontline is amazingly cheap. Frontline works wonders at stopping fleas and ticks and it is best to stop fleas especially before they begin to become a problem in the home. The best price frontline is worth purchasing in advance so you can stop fleas and ticks immediately.

Understand your Puppies nature and you will go a long way to controlling Puppy biting. How to get a Puppy to stop biting is not a science but if you can be observant and use a technique that best fits your Dogs nature you will certainly suceed much quicker in learning how to stop Puppies biting.


How To Stop Puppy Biting Lesson 6

Welcome to Lesson six in the series "Biting Puppies. How To Stop Puppy Biting". By now you should have quite a number of techniques that you can employ in your quest to stop biting puppies and be well on your way to be successful in training puppies to not bite. If you haven't read the previous lessons then you can always browse through them later. In this Lesson we will look at using a very simple but effective method to stop puppies from biting and chewing. This is the use of something that tastes unpleasant to your puppy to direct its destructive behaviour away from whatever it has focused its biting and chewing on.

We know by now that trying to get a puppy to stop biting ankles, hands, feet and much else can be accomplished through various techniques. All work to some extent, some better for certain Dogs than others. With this technique you will find that getting a puppy to stop chewing the furniture can be easily accomplished.

Stop Biting Puppies Through Taste

We will concentrate on how we can control biting puppies or puppies that keep chewing through using their sense of taste as a means of ensuring they stop their destructive puppy chewing behaviour. A disagreeable taste can go a very long way to learning how to get a puppy to stop biting and chewing. If your puppy keeps chewing furniture then this Lesson will be especially relevant, although it is very effective as a means to get your puppy to stop biting hands, which, as many of us know by now, seems to be one of their favorite things!

The lesson will be broken down in to the following sections:

  • What tastes bad to a puppy

  • How to use a puppies sense of taste against it

  • How to use what tastes bad to a puppy

  • What if it doesn't work

With these points covered we will have a great number of ways we can stop biting puppies from destroying our homes or our hands and feet!

What Tastes Bad To Biting Puppies?

Anyone with any experience of Dogs will be surprised that anything tastes bad to a Dog. We all know that Dogs eat poo, rotting animals and anything else that to us seems disgusting. However there are a surprising number of things that taste bad to Dogs and puppies. We will look later at how to use things that taste bad to puppies to help training puppies to not bite, but first there is a list of the main things we will employ to stop puppies chewing the furniture and how we can stop puppy from biting us. The main things that taste bad to a puppy are:

  • Bitter Sprays that can be purchased (such as biter Apple)

  • Chili Powder

  • Chili sauce, such as Tobasco

  • Garlic

  • Pepper

  • Vinegar

There are any number of variants but these are the main things that taste bad to a Dog or a puppy.

How To Stop Biting Puppies Through Taste

stop biting puppiesHow do we use the above ingredients to stop biting puppies? We will need to apply them to the furniture and to our hands, feet, ankles etc. Puppies and biting are a heady mix and we can certainly help control it by using its taste-buds against it. How we go about it is fairly simple.

We will apply one of the above ingredients to any furniture or parts of our body that the puppies play biting is being affected by. If we apply, for example chili in liquid form to our hands then as soon as the puppy biting our hands begins we should see an immediate reaction. If you do use anything hot like this ensure you have no cuts and always remember to wash your hands thoroughly. Also be careful that your puppy cannot get it in to their eyes. If you have any concerns then use something milder but still foul tasting to puppies like vinegar or rub garlic on to your hands. They should all deter biting puppies.

Applying something like a strong tobasco or chili solution to the pieces of furniture that are being chewed by your puppy will soon see it stop. I actually stopped our biting and chewing puppy in a day by applying a strong chili solution to a piece of wooden furniture that was the main attention of our puppies biting. You can also purchase things like bitter Apples in spray form to control a puppy that chews. Some of these commercial products work better than others but some are highly recommended by those that use them.

How To Stop Biting Puppies By Using Its Sense Of Taste

Many of the above ingredients can not always be applied as is. I would first recommend trying simply rubbing some garlic on to the parts of furniture and your hands and see if it stops the puppy biting. You may be surprised.

If it doesn't work then try the next. You may well have to mix things like chili or vinegar with a little oil or water before using to control puppy biting. Ensure that it will not leave a stain or an oil mark on the furniture. You will need to be careful to only use things that will not mark if this is a concern. On wooden furniture I stopped our biting puppy by mixing chili powder with olive oil. I was not concerned about the oil mark though. Just be careful if this is a concern.

Puppies biting hands can be controlled very easily by rubbing a diluted amount of chili sauce on when it seems like your biting puppy is ready to cause havoc again. The taste immediately stopped our puppy biting hands as it really did not like the taste at all. Controlling puppy biting in this manner can be extremely effective.

What If This Does Not Stop Puppy From Biting?

To be honest I would be very surprised if this does not work. I found it controlled biting and chewing puppies very well. There will be at least one ingredient that your puppy is averse to. It may just take a little trial and error before you find the right one for your biting puppy.

If you really have no joy with this technique then try something like using a distraction to stop biting puppies, as discussed in Lesson 2. Getting a puppy to stop biting may seem like a never ending struggle but I guarantee quite a few of the Lessons will give you amazing results and the question "How to stop biting puppies" will be one you can answer if you are ever asked. Training puppies to not bite may seem like a struggle but the lessons really will stop your puppy biting.


Puppy Behaviour Training

We have so far been looking at how to stop puppies from biting and I would advise you to start at lesson one of "how to stop a puppies biting" and follow the lessons from there.

In this post I wanted to take a look at exactly why do puppies bite, will my puppy stop biting and when do puppies stop biting. All questions many new Dog owners want the answers to, as well as exactly how to stop a puppy from biting. Puppy training, stopping biting, will be your number one goal when you get your new Dog and learning exactly why your puppy bites and when and if it grows out of it will give you more of an insight in to how effectively train your puppy not to bite. Biting puppies are a problem for a lot of new owners and understanding why puppies bite will help to see it a little more form the puppies point of view and will make us realise it is not a personal vendetta.
puppy behaviour training

We shall break the subject down in to three sections which will be as follows:

  • Why do puppies bite

  • Will my puppy stop biting

  • When do puppies stop biting and chewing

Subjects I am sure that you, as a puppy owner are keen to know the answers to. Puppy biting can be painful and learning how to stop puppies chewing and training puppies to not bite is also high on the puppy owners list. The lesson here will help you learn how to stop puppies biting so lets look at he reason behind this puppy biting behaviour and see when and if they will stop biting.

Why Do Puppies Bite?

Puppies bite for quite a few reasons and we shall take a look at the reasons why.

Puppies bite because this is how they explore the world. A biting puppy is not always out to get you. Puppies explore the world primarily with their mouths and their nose. They are simply doing what comes naturally. Biting puppies are trying to get a feel for their environment and this is best accomplished by biting things to see how hard or soft they are and to understand the textures of items and exactly what relevance they have to the puppy. Understanding exactly why puppies bite is quite often nothing more than understanding that a biting puppy is exploring its surroundings in one of the best ways it knows how.

Understanding why do puppies bite means we must understand the nature of play both in young and adult Dogs. If you have ever observed puppies or older Dogs playing there is a lot of use of the mouth. You will see Dogs jumping at each other and biting each other. Puppy biting can be quite rough when they play with each other. This is part of the problem. When puppies bite each other it does not have the same impact as when puppies bite humans. Dogs have fewer nerves than we do and therefore a much higher pain threshold. They simply do not feel the pain that we do. Puppy behaviour training needs to take this in to consideration when we are searching for why puppies bite.

why do puppies bite
A biting puppy may be nothing more than hungry. As puppies use their mouths so much to explore their world it is only natural that they will use the bite mechanism as a way of telling you that they are hungry. How often to feed a puppy? Biting puppy or not, puppies should be fed four times a day initially. If your puppy seems like it is biting because it is hungry try upping its food intake. It may work wonders.

When asking why do puppies bite we must also consider how dominant the puppy appears to be. You may find that your biting puppy is actively seeking to become the Alpha Dog. By all means let the Dogs sort out amongst themselves who is top Dog, but there is only one leader in a pack and that is YOU. Ensure you follow the biting puppies lessons and leave the would be dominant puppy in no doubt that you are in control.

Another thing to look at when asking the question "Why do puppies bite" is if your Dog is over stimulated or scared. Over excited puppies find it hard to control themselves. Apart from finding a puddle of pee if your puppy is excited it will also get carried away and may begin biting. The same applies to a scared puppy. If your puppy seems scared it may well use puppy biting as a defense mechanism. Comfort the puppy and let it know it is safe.

And not forgetting the fact that your puppy simply wishes to play. Puppy behaviour training can be accomplished by following the lessons here and biting puppies are often simply in a playful mood. It is simply their way of playing and you will be able to curb the biting puppies behaviour quite easily if you read some of the ways I have written about on how to stop a puppy from biting.

Will My Puppy Stop Biting?

If you take no action to stop a puppy from biting then you may well always have a Dog that using biting as a means of play, a way to assert its dominance or as a way of trying to get your attention. This is why I have spent so much time writing about how to stop a puppy from biting. You need to learn how to control biting puppies as soon as you possibly can.

If you wonder "Will my puppy stop biting" if I do nothing to intervene then it is very much doubtful. It will know that puppy biting is an effective way to get its own way. You need to take control if you want a Dog that doesn't use its mouth in an inappropriate way. Puppy biting should be given a pro-active approach. Some puppies will grow out of biting but others will always use their mouths in inappropriate ways unless the puppy biting behaviour is curbed when they are young. Training puppies not to bite should always be undertaken as soon as possible.

When Do Puppies Stop Biting?

Many new puppy owners will get their new dog from when it is eight weeks old and upwards. When puppies stop biting depends on a number of factors. The most important of these is how well your puppy behaviour training went. If you started young teaching your puppy not to bite then you could have solved the problem in a few weeks. This is why I have written the biting puppies articles. They really do work. If you are asking the question "When do puppies stop biting" without your intervention then that is different. Biting puppies can continue with their behaviour for a lifetime without intervention. Always using the bite as a way of getting your attention or getting what they want.

Other puppies will grow out of the puppy biting in a few months naturally. It really does depend on the nature of the Dog and its temperament and hierarchy in the pack. I certainly wouldn't take the risk though if you have a puppy that bites. Puppy biting is normal in al puppies to some extent and they may or may not stop biting as they age. Even If they would have stopped naturally you still need to train your puppy not to bite in the meantime and puppy behaviour training is the way to go about this.

Hopefully you can now easily understand exactly why do puppies bite, will my puppy stop biting and when do puppies stop biting and when do puppies stop chewing. Remember to learn how to stop puppy biting as soon as possible and your puppy behaviour training really will pay off.


How To Stop Puppy Biting Lesson 5

Welcome to "Biting Puppies. How To Stop Puppy Biting Lesson 5". Here in lesson five we will be looking at another technique to help stop Puppy Biting. In Lesson 4 we looked at using a "yelp" as a means of controlling Puppy biting, and in this Lesson we will be looking at how we can effectively use a "growl" to training and learning how to stop puppy biting.

"Growling" To Stop Biting Puppies

It may at first seem like an odd thing to do, much as the "yelp" did, which we looked at in Lesson 4. But the "growl" technique is also very effective at helping to correct Puppy biting. There are a number of elements to this technique and, as in previous Lessons we will take a close look at each one in turn. The points we will be looking at are:

  • What is the "growl" Technique

  • When to use it to stop a new Puppy Biting

  • How to use it effectively

  • What to do if it does not work

In our constantly expanding arsenal of techniques to help us stop Puppies from biting this is another very effective tool that we can employ. We are slowly building to a comprehensive series of different techniques that can be employed. Any number of them may be effective against your biting Puppy and one, if not all of them will surely be the answer to one of the most searched for questions by new Puppy owners:

"How To Stop Biting Puppies?"

How To Growl To Stop Puppy From Biting

Basically the growl is very similar to the "yelp" but we are taking a much more pro-active role. Instead of letting the Puppy know it is causing pain by its constant biting we are using sound as a warning that it has gone too far. When Dogs play together they will sometimes let out a "yelp" to tell the other Dog that they are getting hurt but also there will be a threatening "growl" to warn the other Dog that enough is enough. So, if your Puppy won't stop biting and growling then it is time to growl back. Puppy training against biting sometimes needs a firm approach.

This growling will make all but the most hardened of Dogs back off. They are being told in no uncertain terms that the playing has to stop. We need to try and simulate this as a means of warning our Puppy That its uncontrollable biting is at an end. We need to make a deep "Grrrrr", or "growl" deep in our throats. This threatening noise works very well on some Puppies. Some will not respond for the first few attempts as it may be a new noise to them, especially if they have had little interaction with other Dogs.

It may make you feel a bit foolish but it is better to feel a bit silly than have a Puppy biting at you incessantly. Practice a deep noise that sounds a little menacing and then employ the noise on your insatiable biting Puppy.

When To Growl To Stop Biting Puppies

This technique is not for when Puppies are chewing or biting furniture. It is for when Puppies play biting is targeted directly at you. You cannot employ it effectively when furniture is being chewed as it is a noise synonymous with warnings other Dogs will give each other when they no longer want to play. It is a warning that the activity has to stop.

You will use the growl when training puppies not to bite. Use it as soon as you possibly can. Radiate an air of annoyance, which won't be difficult, and make a deep "growl" from the back of your throat. Use a noise that sounds menacing and that you can easily repeat. You need to get fairly close to the Puppy but be careful. Biting Puppies can be unpredictable and you should never put your face to close to a new Dog. Puppies especially can be unpredictable to be cautious.

Immediately the Puppy begins biting you and you wish to correct Puppy biting employ the method. Your Puppy will stop its biting, for a start it has been a distraction, and then you should do it again. It will quickly learn that this aggressive noise is a warning that it has gone to far.

How To Growl Effectively To Correct Puppy Biting

You need to employ the method as soon as the Puppy begins to get rough. If the Puppy biting is gentle then you do not need to scare it off. You do not want to discourage all intimate contact, you just want to stop it when the biting Puppy gets to excited or carried away.

To "growl" effectively you need to be in control, make yourself sound annoyed and make it clear you are in charge. This is a threat to the Dog. You are telling it you do not like, and will not stand for, such behaviour. How to do this effectively means that you are stopping the Puppy dead in its tracks. You need to keep repeating this technique a few times until it is sure what the message is. Remember, many of these noises will be new to its ears so it will take a while for it to comprehend just what the noise means. It will soon learn.

Learning how to "growl" effectively is just a matter of a little practice. You will be keeping an eye on the biting Puppy to see how it reacts. You may find shorter or longer noises are the most effective. A little bit of trial and error may be in order.

If Growling Doesn't Stop Biting Puppies

All Dogs, whatever their age, are different. Some respond better to some techniques than others. You may find that this technique works exceptionally well, on the other hand it may be more of a disappointment. You need to try it a few times to see how well it responds and if it stops biting. If you find that the biting Puppy does not respond well then try another technique. You may find the Puppy responds better to the "yelp", or one of the other techniques outlined at this site.

Try each technique until you find the one that your Puppy responds to the best. You will find it will probably respond to quite a few different ways that you try. Training Puppies not to bite may seem like an impossible task but quite a few ways will work. You must remember that the Puppy is doing what comes naturally and it will take a little while to get it trained. As with all Dog Training there is never an absolute miracle cure. Much training is down to repetition. You MUST persevere with your training. You need to instill in your Puppy that biting Puppies will not be tolerated.

They will gradually learn what is allowed and what is unacceptable. The number one reason why owners cannot learn how to get a Puppy to stop biting is because they either give up or do not know how to effectively put training in to practice. Browse through the Lessons and you will find any number of effective techniques.

Young Puppies are simply experiencing the world through their mouths, it is natural for them to do so, you merely need to teach them that agressive biting behaviour directed towards people and items of value will not be allowed to continue.

You can and will stop biting Puppies with the techniques on this site.


How To Stop Puppy Biting Lesson 4

Welcome to "Biting Puppies. How To Stop A Puppy Biting Lesson 4". We will now turn our attention to the "yelp" method of Puppy training. This method may or may not be known to you but along with the "growl" method which will be discussed later it is a very effective technique to stop biting Puppies.

When exploring the many ways of stopping Puppies biting the reactions that we can make to their biting behaviour are not to be dismissed. Many Puppies are very responsive to noise other animals and Humans make and they can be used as a warning or as a sign of distress to stop biting Puppies.

Don't forget that once puppies are a few months old you can begin to give them heartworm medicine. Heartworm pills are easy to give, especially if you use the ones that have meaty flavors. For low cost heartworm medicine take a look at the heartworm pills website. There are lots of low prices for heartworm pills and also generic heartworm medicine. You may also want to consider flea treatments such as frontline for Dogs. Frontline plus for Dogs is a good flea treatment or you may prefer an all in one heartworm medicine and flea treatments such as Revolution or Advantage Multi.

Heartworms can be a real problem in some areas so consider carefully whether your puppy may need to have a heartworm treatment on a monthly basis.

Using a "yelp" To Help To Stop A Puppy From Biting

We will look at the use of the "yelp" as a very effective training aid when it comes to controlling Puppy biting, and we will look at the subject in the following way:

  • What is the "yelp" technique
  • How to use it effectively
  • What if it doesn't work
  • How to make sure it really does work

Together this may well be one of your most effective techniques to learn when it comes to understanding how to stop your Puppy from biting. Puppy training, biting problems can be controlled very well with this technique.

What is a "Yelp" And How Will It Stop Puppies From Biting?

At its most basic a "yelp" is simply the noise you make when your Puppy begins biting. We have discussed using noise as a tool against Puppies and biting and this is really a very effective technique. It combines distraction, noise and the Puppies own sens of when it is causing harm.

The "yelp" can be a number of different noises, from an "owwww", to any other noise or word that makes it sound like, and you may well be, you are being hurt by the Puppies biting. The noise, if made in a high pitched voice will both distract and stop your Puppy from biting at the same time. Very effective both as a reminder not to continue biting but also as a means of teaching your Puppy what to look out for when it is playing to forcefully. Of course, most Puppies will bite to some extent, but with the tools and techniques this series is covering the aim is to control this biting and nipping instinct and to divert it to other things.

How To "Yelp" To Stop Biting Puppies

Here is how and when to use the "yelp" technique most effectively. Whatever the scene may be, as long as it involves a Puppy biting you then this should be tried. This is great if you want to know how to stop a Puppy biting your ankles or your hands. As soon as your Puppy bites your ankles, feet, hands, or whatever else you immediately give out a "yelp" or something very similar. This high pitched noise, used to simulate (or not) pain will quickly divert the Dogs attention. It will stop what it is doing and you should follow up with a "whimper" and look hurt and in pain. For many Puppies this will be enough to get them to stop biting for a while.

You may need to practice the noise you make for a while until you get the most effective sound that stops your Puppy biting but it is very effective. The noise of you in pain, combined with the high pitch will both stop Puppies biting and also instill in it a sense of when it has to curb its enthusiastic behaviour. As with all training it will be some repetition that will win the day. There are no miracle cures, only sensible advice that needs to be followed through. Puppy training and biting control should never be taken for granted.

If "Yelping" Doesn't Stop Your Puppy Biting

As just stated, you may find that a few repetitions are what is needed before your Puppy understands exactly what is happening. For very young Puppies this may be especially true as they are yet to have experienced enough to understand all that occurs around them. Young Puppies often have little on their mind apart from "bite, sleep, eat, pee, bite, bite, sleep", you get the idea.

Stick with it, altering the noise you make until you find a noise that the Puppy reacts well to. You can then try a combination of techniques that involve both this technique and then follow up with the technique of using Toys as discussed previously.

Used successfully the technique outlined can divert your Puppies attention away from biting and at the same time teach it a valuable lesson in its own strength and when it needs to moderate this behaviour.

When "Yelping" Is Not Enough To Stop Biting Puppies

The "yelp" is very effective but the following is for if the Puppy absolutely does not respond well or for long enough to this technique. The technique to learn how to get a Puppy to stop biting via the "yelp" and succeed is this:

When your Puppy bites and you give the "yelp", to ensure it really works and stops biting Puppies you will immediately rise. Stand up and leave the room. Close the door behind you if you can. You do not need to leave the room for long, just long enough to send a signal to the Puppy that you will not stand for Puppy biting and that this is what will happen if the action continues.

Puppies quickly understand that the "yelp" combined with the leaving of the room means it has acted in a way that is absolutely not allowed. The fact that it has been left alone as well as being chastised will bring the message home directly. Most Puppies will quickly learn to then associate the simple "yelp" with the act of you leaving the room and soon it will not be necessary, it will cease its destructive behaviour long before you need to leave. When it comes to training puppies to not bite this is probably one of the most effective methods.

Another Way To Ensure The "Yelp" Technique Can Stop Biting Puppies

Follow the procedure just outlined but instead of leaving the room you stand up, walk away a few paces and turn your back on the Puppy. Completely ignore it, and if it comes up to you turn away so you are always facing away from it and it cannot interact. This works in a very similar way to the previous suggestion and will reinforce the fact that the "yelp" is a sign that the biting Puppy has to stop. Again it will quickly realise that the yelping is a precursor to being ignored or left alone for a short time if it does not stop its destructive habits.

The technique of "yelping" may well be one that your Puppy responds to best. Try it for a reasonable amount of time, and combined with other techniques in this series of Lessons you will be quickly able to teach others how to get a Puppy to stop biting. Puppy training can be mastered if you act consistently.


How To Stop Puppy Biting Lesson3

Welcome to "Biting Puppies. How To Stop Puppy Biting Lesson 3". We will now turn our attentions to the importance of Exercise when it comes to answering the question "How To Stop Puppies From Biting?"

All Dogs,young, old, large or small need sufficient exercise if they are to be happy and just as important, to be well behaved. Most Dogs, if left un-exercised for a day or two will quickly become very hard to control and their behaviour will become destructive or worse. Puppies, although young and still forming need sufficient exercise. Training puppies to not bite can be better accomplished by following the techniques listed in thtis and the the other lessons.

They need exercise both to grow well and to burn off the excess energy that often results in Puppy biting.

As a quick aside, once our puppies are a few months old we may begin to experience fleas on them. I find that frontline medicine for Dogs is the best way to protect them from fleas and ticks. Frontline plus for Dogs works amazingly well and it is what I recommend. You can get cheap frontline by going to the frontline for Dogs site. They have the best price frontline available. Take a look at the low prices for frontline there.

Exercise To Help A Puppy To Stop Biting

Today we will look at the importance of exercise and also the techniques we can employ to maximise our quest to learn how to stop biting Puppies. We shall cover a few of the ways to use exercise as a means of controlling Puppy biting and they will be as follows:

  • When to exercise a Puppy
  • How to best exercise a Puppy
  • The importance of the correct Leash
  • How to stop the Puppy biting the Leash
  • Use Exercise without your involvement

Apart from the aid exercise gives a Puppy owner in curbing a Puppies natural instinct to bite and feel with its mouth everything around it, exercise and proper control are an inherent part of any good training regime that all Dog owners should follow. Regardless of whether you have a Puppy that wont stop biting or not, a good exercise regime should be followed nonetheless.

When To Exercise A Puppy To Help Stop Puppies From Biting

Although not part of this series of articles, any new owner of a Puppy will by now be very well aware of the fact that Puppies need to go to the Toilet an awful lot. Ideally you will be letting your Puppy in and out on numerous occasions to help potty train your Puppy. They will get a little bit of exercise from this but you need a fairly strict regime if you wish to use exercise as a way to stop biting Puppies.

When should you exercise your Puppy?

Firstly, there should be a good morning walk or playtime outside. Puppies are still growing and you need to be careful how much exercise to give a Puppy. Too much can stunt their growth and cause other problems later on in life. Exercise may be play or a walk. Personally I encourage both play and walking as a means of aiding owners learn how to stop Puppy biting. I always used both both with a careful eye on the state of the Puppy.

Try to ensure that you exercise your Puppy in the morning to dissipate that morning energy and at least another walk in the evening. If you can add additional short walks throughout the day then that is all for the good.

How To Exercise A Puppy Correctly To Help Training A Puppy Not To Bite

Much of the reason behind why Puppies bite is that they simply have an abundance of energy. Full of life and keen to experience the world via their little Puppy teeth they need a way of dissipating that energy in a non destructive manner. Exercise, especially in the form of walks is perfect to burn of excess energy and will do the owner nothing but good as well.

The fundamentals of exercising and training a puppy not to bite are that you should never push it to far. Puppies can tire very quickly, as you will have noticed if you suddenly see it collapse after playing for a short time. When walking your Puppy to burn off energy take very short walks to begin with. Just a few minutes at a time. You do not want to walk a Puppy too far only to have it not realistically feel up to returning home.

Take a short walk if the Puppy is biting and this will easily and effectively help the Puppy to stop biting.

The Correct Leash To Stop Puppy From Biting

I am a firm believer in the Choker Chain when it comes to quickly and effectively Leash training Dogs, but this is not appropriate for young Dogs. Dogs under roughly six months of age should not have a Choker Chain as it may damage their still delicate bodies.

You must, however ensure that you use the correct leash when using exercise to correct Puppy biting. In a nutshell this means


Training a puppy not to bite will be better accomplished if you follow this advice. This really does apply to Dogs of all ages and the sooner you implement using a short Leash the quicker you will both train your Dog to walk effectively by your side and also escape the Puppy biting that can easily occur if it is allowed to move about too much and therefore be able to bit on the Leash at will.

The correct Leash will be short, very short. It should be just long enough so that the Puppy can sniff the ground by your side but cannot roam from you. This short Leash has many advantages. The fact that the Puppy cannot move far from your side means you are effectively training it to heel without too much effort and it also means it cannot easily bite on the Leash as it could if it were to be long. The Leash should have a Leather handle and the rest should be Chain. Nylon, cord etc are prime for biting Puppies to decide to play with. Chain on the other hand is a good deterrent against their desire to bite.

A Puppy biting a lead can be mostly avoided simply by using an extremely short one. Puppy training biting problems should not be hindered by improper use of the lead.

How To Stop A Puppy Biting The Leash

If you have applied what was said in the previous section you should not have much problem with the Puppy biting the Leash. You can stop Puppies biting quite effectively simply by not giving them any Leash to bite. Keep it very short, made of Chain and it will not be much of a problem.

If the Puppy still keeps trying to bite the Leash then you need a gentle but firm "snap" of the Leash. Please be extremely careful and use your common sense. Young Dogs are extremely delicate and you can severely damage them if you are forceful. Use common sense and be very careful. To be honest if you use a very short metal Lead you should not really have this concern. I would rather use a very short Leash to stop biting Puppies than to have to resort to a "snap" when it is too young to really be trained this way.

Use Puppies Own Energy To Help Stop Puppies From Biting

Not to be overlooked as a very effective means of tiring a Puppy out and aiding in the quest to stop biting Puppies running amok. Puppies are naturally full of energy and you should use this to your advantage. We have looked at he importance of exercise and how you can safely walk your Puppy on a Leash to burn up energy but you should take advantage of the Puppies own wish to run around and play.

Hopefully you will have access to somewhere safe outside. If your biting Puppy has begun to bite things in the house, yes, you included, there is no way better way to stop this than to get outside in a safe area and let the Puppy run free. You will quickly see this is what the Puppy wanted all along. Puppies can go crazed if they are free to run around outside.

You will notice that the Puppy will monitor its own play time. It won't play for too long without a rest of some sort. Their bodies tell them when it is time to take a break and this is perfect for you to observe just how much exercise your Puppy needs at any given time.

After having a good run around and play outside it is very likely that your Puppy will do nothing but rest when at home. This outdoor activity should be repeated as often as you possibly can. Puppy training biting problems are often partly due to too much energy. The Puppy can control how much to play and it is one of the finest ways of getting a puppy to stop biting.


How To Stop Puppy Biting Lesson 2

Welcome to Lesson 2 in the series "Biting Puppies. How To Stop A Puppy From Biting".
In this second Lesson we will look at using distractions to avoid biting. We have looked at the use of Toys to help learn How to stop Puppies from biting both us and other things including the furniture. We will now turn our attention more fully to using distractions to help in controlling biting Puppies.

Stop Biting Puppies With Distractions

Using a distraction is a very effective way of controlling the biting behaviour of Puppies. Training puppies to not bite using this technique can work extremely well. Used correctly it can greatly help with the problems associated with uncontrollable or overly excited Puppies. There are a few different distractions we can use and some of them can be extremely effective. We shall examine each of the best distractions in turn and you, the owner should try them and see which distraction helps the best with stopping biting Puppies. The distractions we will be concentrating on are:

  • Toys

  • Using Food as A Distraction

  • Using noise as a distraction

  • Playtime

  • Training to help your Puppy concentrate

  • Grooming as a distraction

There are , of course any number of things that can be a distraction to a Puppy, and you will encounter many of them. These are simply some of the best distractions to stop biting Puppies.

The Use Of Toys As A Distraction To Stop Biting Puppies

We discussed comprehensively the use of Toys to help controlling Puppy biting behaviour in your Puppy in Lesson 1. Toys are very effective when it comes to creating the perfect distraction when your Puppy simply will not stop its aggressive or painful behaviour. Whenever your Puppy starts biting at anything it is not allowed to then you need to quickly tell it "no". It should stop what it is doing for a short while, and if not you will need to try some of the "yelping" or "growling" techniques discussed fully in later Lessons. One you have its attention place the Toy either in its mouth if it is suitable, roll it along the floor, or whatever you need to distract it. More often than not it will stop its biting and investigate what you have given it. To stop Puppy biting hands this works very well indeed.

Toys can be very effective when it comes to getting a Puppy to stop biting and should not be neglected as an important training aid.

Using Food As A Distraction To Stop A New Puppy Biting

Is your new Puppy biting? Food may be a great distraction. Firstly you should know that Puppies need to eat at least four times a day when they are young and seem like a bottomless pit of Hunger. They are growing so fast they seem to be perpetually in need of food.

You can use food as an effective distraction but you need to be careful. Never let the Puppy dictate when it will be fed and you really must guard against Dogs begging for food. Never feed from the table or give food while you are cooking. Such behaviour will come back to haunt you in later life. There is , however, nothing wrong with giving an odd treat or two to your Puppy throughout the day as long as you keep track of it.

When your Puppy won't stop biting and you have tried other techniques and for whatever reason this time it is not responding, you may try a little treat as a distraction. By now you should have a way of calling your Puppy when it is mealtimes. Maybe you use a certain voice, or a command. Whatever it is, mimic this style and it should get the Puppies attention. It should stop its biting behaviour for a while as it becomes interested in what you have to offer.

Many times this little distraction with food will snap your Puppy out of its excited state and it may help stop your Puppies play biting.

Use Noise To Distract Your Puppy From Biting

When it comes to biting Puppies using noise as a biting distraction can be very successful. It does not always shave to be a loud noise either. Try, when your Puppy has begun biting, a strange noise. We have all done it and it can be very effective against Puppies biting. Try making whatever strange noise you feel like. This distraction will probably result in your Puppy wiggling its head from side to side in a comical manner trying to understand just what is going on. Sometimes a low noise like this can be enough to snap the Puppy out of its painful or destructive habit.

There are any number of variations to this method. Noise can be very effective but there are things not to do. NO SHOUTING! Shouting really will get you nowhere. When training puppies to not bite we should always keep this in mind. Many new owners resort to this all too quickly out of sheer frustration. If there is one thing I have learnt it is that shouting absolutely will not work. Puppies simply do not understand what you are doing. It may stop for a second but it will be back for more trouble almost immediately. Shouting is simply seen as fun or a call to aggressive play. Don't fall in to this trap, it will not help stop Puppy biting.

Try techniques such as a "clap" instead. Much more effective and it will keep your blood pressure down when trying to train a new Puppy that won't stop biting.

Use Playtime To Distract A Puppy From Biting

Playing with your Puppy can be an effective way to curb its almost obsessive wish to bit at anything in site. But you must be careful. Playing with your Puppy can lead to it biting you. You need to do it correctly. Puppies and biting, in case you haven't realised yet, can go hand in hand. Overtly aggressive play may just exacerbate the problem. By all means play with your Puppy but just don't get carried away.

If you find your Puppy biting the furniture, or it may be in the middle of biting your ankles, getting up and calling for playtime should see it, alt least momentarily, stop its destructive actions.

How Do You Play With A Puppy?

Gently. No grabbing for it and pushing and pulling while it is still being trained not to bite, this will make matters worse. It does, to some extent, depend on the nature of your Puppy as to how exactly you will play with your Puppy but some games are suited to most Puppies.

Running around is always a simple but effective way to interact with your Dog. It gets them excited and happy but not overtly so. They will happily run around with you and hopefully there will be no puppy biting ankles trouble!

Rolling over and playing with your Puppy can also be great fun. Their inquisitive nature will be aroused and the Puppy will just have to come and see what is going on. Just be careful of those sharp teeth when you are i a vulnerable position, Puppies get excited very easily and can soon forget about the "no bite" rules you are trying to impose. Playtime can also make biting Puppies tire quickly which should be the aim, but ensure you do not have prolonged playtime as a tired Puppy that is still being bothered may snap out of sheer frustration when it needs to sleep.

Begin Training As a Distraction To Stop Puppy From Biting

Puppies are never too young to begin their training. The sooner you start your Puppy Training the sooner you will have a very well behaved Dog. If your Puppies biting of various objects, both animate and inanimate, is occuring yet again then take the opportunity to begin some training. Training can be a great distraction from bad biting behaviour and will give the Dog something different to focus its attention on.

Start with basics like "sit", you can teach most young Puppies to sit very quickly, they are surprisingly responsive to such commands. To best go about it, when your Puppy is in the middle of a biting period, get up and call its name in a voice that you would normally use at feeding or at treat time. This will be a distraction in itself and get its attention. You can then try teaching basic commands and you may be pleasantly surprised.

Don't be disheartened however if at first the Puppy does not respond well, most Dog training is based on repetition and you need to keep this in mind. Remember, no shouting, just have patience. At first you may find that training Puppies to not bite using a distraction does not go very well. Your Puppy may become bored or preoccupied very quickly and decide that Puppy biting is much more fun. Stick with it and you will gradually notice that your Puppy becomes more fixed on the task at hand, i.e Training and will begin to give the task its full attention.

Puppy Grooming As A Distraction Against Puppy Biting

Many adult Dogs are very hard to control when it comes to basic grooming routines. If they have not been brushed regularly when they are young then it can be more of a struggle to get them used to grooming when they are older. They will wiggle and squirm as they are not used to being brushed, especially around sensitive areas.

To stop Puppy from biting brushing its coat is an excellent distraction. You will, however, find that initially it probably wants nothing more than to bite the brush. This will soon pass as the act of repetition proceeds. If nothing more it will at least not be biting hands, feet, ankles, chairs, sofas, small children etc. It will be focused on your actions and that will be all there is for the moment in its little world. This technique of using brushing as a distraction is well worth doing. It gives you a routine that is important to follow, your Puppy will quickly get used to it and it works very well to at least stop biting Puppies from their latest exploit.

The use of a distraction is now another method in your arsenal as you go about learning how to get a Puppy to stop biting.


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