Stop Puppy Biting

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How To Stop Puppy Biting Lesson 4

Welcome to "Biting Puppies. How To Stop A Puppy Biting Lesson 4". We will now turn our attention to the "yelp" method of Puppy training. This method may or may not be known to you but along with the "growl" method which will be discussed later it is a very effective technique to stop biting Puppies.

When exploring the many ways of stopping Puppies biting the reactions that we can make to their biting behaviour are not to be dismissed. Many Puppies are very responsive to noise other animals and Humans make and they can be used as a warning or as a sign of distress to stop biting Puppies.

Don't forget that once puppies are a few months old you can begin to give them heartworm medicine. Heartworm pills are easy to give, especially if you use the ones that have meaty flavors. For low cost heartworm medicine take a look at the heartworm pills website. There are lots of low prices for heartworm pills and also generic heartworm medicine. You may also want to consider flea treatments such as frontline for Dogs. Frontline plus for Dogs is a good flea treatment or you may prefer an all in one heartworm medicine and flea treatments such as Revolution or Advantage Multi.

Heartworms can be a real problem in some areas so consider carefully whether your puppy may need to have a heartworm treatment on a monthly basis.

Using a "yelp" To Help To Stop A Puppy From Biting

We will look at the use of the "yelp" as a very effective training aid when it comes to controlling Puppy biting, and we will look at the subject in the following way:

  • What is the "yelp" technique
  • How to use it effectively
  • What if it doesn't work
  • How to make sure it really does work

Together this may well be one of your most effective techniques to learn when it comes to understanding how to stop your Puppy from biting. Puppy training, biting problems can be controlled very well with this technique.

What is a "Yelp" And How Will It Stop Puppies From Biting?

At its most basic a "yelp" is simply the noise you make when your Puppy begins biting. We have discussed using noise as a tool against Puppies and biting and this is really a very effective technique. It combines distraction, noise and the Puppies own sens of when it is causing harm.

The "yelp" can be a number of different noises, from an "owwww", to any other noise or word that makes it sound like, and you may well be, you are being hurt by the Puppies biting. The noise, if made in a high pitched voice will both distract and stop your Puppy from biting at the same time. Very effective both as a reminder not to continue biting but also as a means of teaching your Puppy what to look out for when it is playing to forcefully. Of course, most Puppies will bite to some extent, but with the tools and techniques this series is covering the aim is to control this biting and nipping instinct and to divert it to other things.

How To "Yelp" To Stop Biting Puppies

Here is how and when to use the "yelp" technique most effectively. Whatever the scene may be, as long as it involves a Puppy biting you then this should be tried. This is great if you want to know how to stop a Puppy biting your ankles or your hands. As soon as your Puppy bites your ankles, feet, hands, or whatever else you immediately give out a "yelp" or something very similar. This high pitched noise, used to simulate (or not) pain will quickly divert the Dogs attention. It will stop what it is doing and you should follow up with a "whimper" and look hurt and in pain. For many Puppies this will be enough to get them to stop biting for a while.

You may need to practice the noise you make for a while until you get the most effective sound that stops your Puppy biting but it is very effective. The noise of you in pain, combined with the high pitch will both stop Puppies biting and also instill in it a sense of when it has to curb its enthusiastic behaviour. As with all training it will be some repetition that will win the day. There are no miracle cures, only sensible advice that needs to be followed through. Puppy training and biting control should never be taken for granted.

If "Yelping" Doesn't Stop Your Puppy Biting

As just stated, you may find that a few repetitions are what is needed before your Puppy understands exactly what is happening. For very young Puppies this may be especially true as they are yet to have experienced enough to understand all that occurs around them. Young Puppies often have little on their mind apart from "bite, sleep, eat, pee, bite, bite, sleep", you get the idea.

Stick with it, altering the noise you make until you find a noise that the Puppy reacts well to. You can then try a combination of techniques that involve both this technique and then follow up with the technique of using Toys as discussed previously.

Used successfully the technique outlined can divert your Puppies attention away from biting and at the same time teach it a valuable lesson in its own strength and when it needs to moderate this behaviour.

When "Yelping" Is Not Enough To Stop Biting Puppies

The "yelp" is very effective but the following is for if the Puppy absolutely does not respond well or for long enough to this technique. The technique to learn how to get a Puppy to stop biting via the "yelp" and succeed is this:

When your Puppy bites and you give the "yelp", to ensure it really works and stops biting Puppies you will immediately rise. Stand up and leave the room. Close the door behind you if you can. You do not need to leave the room for long, just long enough to send a signal to the Puppy that you will not stand for Puppy biting and that this is what will happen if the action continues.

Puppies quickly understand that the "yelp" combined with the leaving of the room means it has acted in a way that is absolutely not allowed. The fact that it has been left alone as well as being chastised will bring the message home directly. Most Puppies will quickly learn to then associate the simple "yelp" with the act of you leaving the room and soon it will not be necessary, it will cease its destructive behaviour long before you need to leave. When it comes to training puppies to not bite this is probably one of the most effective methods.

Another Way To Ensure The "Yelp" Technique Can Stop Biting Puppies

Follow the procedure just outlined but instead of leaving the room you stand up, walk away a few paces and turn your back on the Puppy. Completely ignore it, and if it comes up to you turn away so you are always facing away from it and it cannot interact. This works in a very similar way to the previous suggestion and will reinforce the fact that the "yelp" is a sign that the biting Puppy has to stop. Again it will quickly realise that the yelping is a precursor to being ignored or left alone for a short time if it does not stop its destructive habits.

The technique of "yelping" may well be one that your Puppy responds to best. Try it for a reasonable amount of time, and combined with other techniques in this series of Lessons you will be quickly able to teach others how to get a Puppy to stop biting. Puppy training can be mastered if you act consistently.

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