Stop Puppy Biting

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How To Stop Puppy Biting Lesson 5

Welcome to "Biting Puppies. How To Stop Puppy Biting Lesson 5". Here in lesson five we will be looking at another technique to help stop Puppy Biting. In Lesson 4 we looked at using a "yelp" as a means of controlling Puppy biting, and in this Lesson we will be looking at how we can effectively use a "growl" to training and learning how to stop puppy biting.

"Growling" To Stop Biting Puppies

It may at first seem like an odd thing to do, much as the "yelp" did, which we looked at in Lesson 4. But the "growl" technique is also very effective at helping to correct Puppy biting. There are a number of elements to this technique and, as in previous Lessons we will take a close look at each one in turn. The points we will be looking at are:

  • What is the "growl" Technique

  • When to use it to stop a new Puppy Biting

  • How to use it effectively

  • What to do if it does not work

In our constantly expanding arsenal of techniques to help us stop Puppies from biting this is another very effective tool that we can employ. We are slowly building to a comprehensive series of different techniques that can be employed. Any number of them may be effective against your biting Puppy and one, if not all of them will surely be the answer to one of the most searched for questions by new Puppy owners:

"How To Stop Biting Puppies?"

How To Growl To Stop Puppy From Biting

Basically the growl is very similar to the "yelp" but we are taking a much more pro-active role. Instead of letting the Puppy know it is causing pain by its constant biting we are using sound as a warning that it has gone too far. When Dogs play together they will sometimes let out a "yelp" to tell the other Dog that they are getting hurt but also there will be a threatening "growl" to warn the other Dog that enough is enough. So, if your Puppy won't stop biting and growling then it is time to growl back. Puppy training against biting sometimes needs a firm approach.

This growling will make all but the most hardened of Dogs back off. They are being told in no uncertain terms that the playing has to stop. We need to try and simulate this as a means of warning our Puppy That its uncontrollable biting is at an end. We need to make a deep "Grrrrr", or "growl" deep in our throats. This threatening noise works very well on some Puppies. Some will not respond for the first few attempts as it may be a new noise to them, especially if they have had little interaction with other Dogs.

It may make you feel a bit foolish but it is better to feel a bit silly than have a Puppy biting at you incessantly. Practice a deep noise that sounds a little menacing and then employ the noise on your insatiable biting Puppy.

When To Growl To Stop Biting Puppies

This technique is not for when Puppies are chewing or biting furniture. It is for when Puppies play biting is targeted directly at you. You cannot employ it effectively when furniture is being chewed as it is a noise synonymous with warnings other Dogs will give each other when they no longer want to play. It is a warning that the activity has to stop.

You will use the growl when training puppies not to bite. Use it as soon as you possibly can. Radiate an air of annoyance, which won't be difficult, and make a deep "growl" from the back of your throat. Use a noise that sounds menacing and that you can easily repeat. You need to get fairly close to the Puppy but be careful. Biting Puppies can be unpredictable and you should never put your face to close to a new Dog. Puppies especially can be unpredictable to be cautious.

Immediately the Puppy begins biting you and you wish to correct Puppy biting employ the method. Your Puppy will stop its biting, for a start it has been a distraction, and then you should do it again. It will quickly learn that this aggressive noise is a warning that it has gone to far.

How To Growl Effectively To Correct Puppy Biting

You need to employ the method as soon as the Puppy begins to get rough. If the Puppy biting is gentle then you do not need to scare it off. You do not want to discourage all intimate contact, you just want to stop it when the biting Puppy gets to excited or carried away.

To "growl" effectively you need to be in control, make yourself sound annoyed and make it clear you are in charge. This is a threat to the Dog. You are telling it you do not like, and will not stand for, such behaviour. How to do this effectively means that you are stopping the Puppy dead in its tracks. You need to keep repeating this technique a few times until it is sure what the message is. Remember, many of these noises will be new to its ears so it will take a while for it to comprehend just what the noise means. It will soon learn.

Learning how to "growl" effectively is just a matter of a little practice. You will be keeping an eye on the biting Puppy to see how it reacts. You may find shorter or longer noises are the most effective. A little bit of trial and error may be in order.

If Growling Doesn't Stop Biting Puppies

All Dogs, whatever their age, are different. Some respond better to some techniques than others. You may find that this technique works exceptionally well, on the other hand it may be more of a disappointment. You need to try it a few times to see how well it responds and if it stops biting. If you find that the biting Puppy does not respond well then try another technique. You may find the Puppy responds better to the "yelp", or one of the other techniques outlined at this site.

Try each technique until you find the one that your Puppy responds to the best. You will find it will probably respond to quite a few different ways that you try. Training Puppies not to bite may seem like an impossible task but quite a few ways will work. You must remember that the Puppy is doing what comes naturally and it will take a little while to get it trained. As with all Dog Training there is never an absolute miracle cure. Much training is down to repetition. You MUST persevere with your training. You need to instill in your Puppy that biting Puppies will not be tolerated.

They will gradually learn what is allowed and what is unacceptable. The number one reason why owners cannot learn how to get a Puppy to stop biting is because they either give up or do not know how to effectively put training in to practice. Browse through the Lessons and you will find any number of effective techniques.

Young Puppies are simply experiencing the world through their mouths, it is natural for them to do so, you merely need to teach them that agressive biting behaviour directed towards people and items of value will not be allowed to continue.

You can and will stop biting Puppies with the techniques on this site.

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