How To Stop Puppy Biting Lesson 6
Welcome to Lesson six in the series "Biting Puppies. How To Stop Puppy Biting". By now you should have quite a number of techniques that you can employ in your quest to stop biting puppies and be well on your way to be successful in training puppies to not bite. If you haven't read the previous lessons then you can always browse through them later. In this Lesson we will look at using a very simple but effective method to stop puppies from biting and chewing. This is the use of something that tastes unpleasant to your puppy to direct its destructive behaviour away from whatever it has focused its biting and chewing on.
We know by now that trying to get a puppy to stop biting ankles, hands, feet and much else can be accomplished through various techniques. All work to some extent, some better for certain Dogs than others. With this technique you will find that getting a puppy to stop chewing the furniture can be easily accomplished.
Stop Biting Puppies Through Taste
We will concentrate on how we can control biting puppies or puppies that keep chewing through using their sense of taste as a means of ensuring they stop their destructive puppy chewing behaviour. A disagreeable taste can go a very long way to learning how to get a puppy to stop biting and chewing. If your puppy keeps chewing furniture then this Lesson will be especially relevant, although it is very effective as a means to get your puppy to stop biting hands, which, as many of us know by now, seems to be one of their favorite things!
The lesson will be broken down in to the following sections:
- What tastes bad to a puppy
- How to use a puppies sense of taste against it
- How to use what tastes bad to a puppy
- What if it doesn't work
With these points covered we will have a great number of ways we can stop biting puppies from destroying our homes or our hands and feet!
What Tastes Bad To Biting Puppies?
Anyone with any experience of Dogs will be surprised that anything tastes bad to a Dog. We all know that Dogs eat poo, rotting animals and anything else that to us seems disgusting. However there are a surprising number of things that taste bad to Dogs and puppies. We will look later at how to use things that taste bad to puppies to help training puppies to not bite, but first there is a list of the main things we will employ to stop puppies chewing the furniture and how we can stop puppy from biting us. The main things that taste bad to a puppy are:
- Bitter Sprays that can be purchased (such as biter Apple)
- Chili Powder
- Chili sauce, such as Tobasco
- Garlic
- Pepper
- Vinegar
There are any number of variants but these are the main things that taste bad to a Dog or a puppy.
How To Stop Biting Puppies Through Taste

We will apply one of the above ingredients to any furniture or parts of our body that the puppies play biting is being affected by. If we apply, for example chili in liquid form to our hands then as soon as the puppy biting our hands begins we should see an immediate reaction. If you do use anything hot like this ensure you have no cuts and always remember to wash your hands thoroughly. Also be careful that your puppy cannot get it in to their eyes. If you have any concerns then use something milder but still foul tasting to puppies like vinegar or rub garlic on to your hands. They should all deter biting puppies.
Applying something like a strong tobasco or chili solution to the pieces of furniture that are being chewed by your puppy will soon see it stop. I actually stopped our biting and chewing puppy in a day by applying a strong chili solution to a piece of wooden furniture that was the main attention of our puppies biting. You can also purchase things like bitter Apples in spray form to control a puppy that chews. Some of these commercial products work better than others but some are highly recommended by those that use them.
How To Stop Biting Puppies By Using Its Sense Of Taste
Many of the above ingredients can not always be applied as is. I would first recommend trying simply rubbing some garlic on to the parts of furniture and your hands and see if it stops the puppy biting. You may be surprised.
If it doesn't work then try the next. You may well have to mix things like chili or vinegar with a little oil or water before using to control puppy biting. Ensure that it will not leave a stain or an oil mark on the furniture. You will need to be careful to only use things that will not mark if this is a concern. On wooden furniture I stopped our biting puppy by mixing chili powder with olive oil. I was not concerned about the oil mark though. Just be careful if this is a concern.
Puppies biting hands can be controlled very easily by rubbing a diluted amount of chili sauce on when it seems like your biting puppy is ready to cause havoc again. The taste immediately stopped our puppy biting hands as it really did not like the taste at all. Controlling puppy biting in this manner can be extremely effective.
What If This Does Not Stop Puppy From Biting?
To be honest I would be very surprised if this does not work. I found it controlled biting and chewing puppies very well. There will be at least one ingredient that your puppy is averse to. It may just take a little trial and error before you find the right one for your biting puppy.
If you really have no joy with this technique then try something like using a distraction to stop biting puppies, as discussed in Lesson 2. Getting a puppy to stop biting may seem like a never ending struggle but I guarantee quite a few of the Lessons will give you amazing results and the question "How to stop biting puppies" will be one you can answer if you are ever asked. Training puppies to not bite may seem like a struggle but the lessons really will stop your puppy biting.
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Thanks, my kids are terrified to be around the puppy because he's nipping there hands so i cant wait to try this.. :)